Webinar: Increasing Industry Interactions, an Academic Viewpoint

Submitted on Wed, 09/16/2015

The Society for Biomaterials hosted a webinar on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 for students or academic faculty who are looking to increase industry involvement in their research.  The webinar will provides some insights, including:

  • Learn how to make industry connections
  • Learn how to increase interest from industry in your research
  • Discuss ways to navigate the university to conduct research with industry
  • Discuss ways to increase collaborations between universities and industry

Dr. Thomas J. Webster, SFB President, is currently the Department Chair and Professor of Chemical Engineering at Northeastern University in Boston. His research explores the use of nanotechnology in numerous applications and he has started over 9 biomaterials' companies. He has interacted with our 50 companies on various aspects of biomaterials’ research and education. Dr. Webster also serves as the current President of the Society for Biomaterials.

Click here to view the recording.