Inaugural Meeting of Orthopaedics RIG at 2016 ORS Conference

Submitted on Fri, 03/11/2016

Approximately 40 attendees from academic, industry, and clinicians attended the first day of the ORS meeting. The following important aspects of team sciences were discussed:

  •  Roles of individuals, commitment, and meetings in team sciences
  • Importance of communications and leadership
  • Expectation and deliverables
  • Benefits of team sciences
  • Who may get credit for the team outcomes (e.g. authorship)
  • Industry perspectives
  • Funding opportunities (NSF, NIH, international) for team sciences

The goal is to make this Biomaterials, Bioimaging, Biomechanics, and Bioengineering in Orthopaedics RIG an important player that will bring members of SFB and ORS together and will contribute to a stronger relationship between these two societies.


Members of the Orthopaedic Biomaterials SIG met up at the Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting in Orlando.  The SIG sponsored a networking event at Hollywood Drive-in Mini-Golf.  Representatives from industry, academia, and students had the opportunity to meet and greet to discuss their biomaterials research in orthopaedics.